DISCOVERYAIMA – Blog about the Yaeyama islands – Travel tips for your travel to Japan

Fishing in Ishigaki. A tranquil experience

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Hi, thank you for visiting our blog about the Japanese Yaeyama islands! In this article we share with you our ‘fishing in Ishigaki’ video.


Are you a fishing enthusiast? In The Netherlands, where I come from, fishing is one of popular ways for certain people to enjoy free time. As a country with a coastline from the South all the way up North and the Dutch islands, fishing is an important source. Apart from this knowing and some try outs as a young girl with my family in the south of Europe, I never had any fishing experience. Until now.


Living in Japan, an archipelago consisting of more than 6.500 islands, I noticed from the beginning that fish is present in almost every meal (lunch, dinner and yes also breakfast). Sourcing food from the ocean is therefore part of daily life for many. Still local people seasonally search themselves for food that nature provides, including several kinds of seaweed and shellfish.

Fishing in ishigaki okinawa japan shiraho


For a tranquil fishing experience in a beautiful location, this is a wonderful place to go. Several fishing services can offer trips for beginners and experienced fishing lovers.

I caught three extremely beautiful and colourful fishes in one catch! I thought I would catch a shark, I’m kind of fascinated (means scared) by them, and I think this is also why they are more easily attracted to me. That’s also with snakes. I’m terrified of them and first thing I encountered when I went snorkelling here four years ago, was a (yes you feel it coming) a huge snake. Also at our house, I find snakes every now and then….in a small space underneath our outside sliding door when I try to open the door in the morning I can’t….because of a snake. This is not common at all. To return to my shark…check the video.

We worked this year on ‘Dive in tropical Japan – Ishigaki island -‘ together with Creative Flag. To share with you the food, culture, arts & crafts, nighlife and nature of beautiful Ishigaki island.

We enjoyed this tour with the friendly guides of Depths.


Maybe you like to see more of nature and try out SUP yoga?

Or create something lovely from natural materials?


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