Sugarcane juice in Ishigaki
This is an updated story: We visited Parlor Papaya many times already. Mostly after a short walk up to the Yaeyama palmtree forest. This time we visited Parlor Papaya in the winter time. While it’s not particularly cold in Ishigaki Island during the winter, when you are used to hot weather it can feel chilly. How about a hot sweet sugarcane juice to warm up the body?

With a fire right in front of the simple seating area to heat up the sugarcane stalks, it could resemble the cozy feeling you get from drinking a hot cocoa in front a wood firing. Snug and comfy in a tropical way.
Yaeyama Yashi or Yaeyama palm tree grove in Yonehara
The area in the Northern part of Ishigaki is famous for the Yaeyama palm tree, which is designated as a National Monument. Take the short path up through the beautiful green palm tree forest and absorb the typical jungle sounds and local greenery around you.

Parlor Papaya

If you visit in summer, I’d recommend choosing a mixed juice with local pineapple, banana, mango or other fruit or vegetable. Refreshing on a hot day!

Check for more information about Ishigaki here.
Parlor Papaya – Yaeyama palm tree grove